Azoospermia can be a difficult diagnosis for many couples to deal with. Here is an overview of the condition and how to take the next steps.
What is Azoospermia?
Azoospermia happens when men don’t produce sperm, because they are unable to produce sperm or the production is physically obstructed. Some cases of obstructive azoospermia can be treated surgically. Some patients may choose to undergo followup tests to determine the exact cause of their azoospermia.
Azoospermia affects roughly 1% of men, and is the cause of about 1/6 instances of infertility. The exact causes of azoospermia are unknown, but genetics, illness, and lifestyle can be factors.
Accepting the Diagnosis
Finding out that someone has azoospermia can cause both partners to grieve the loss. A couple should take some time to understand and accept the diagnosis before discussing other options to have a child. Azoospermia is one of those health issues that can put strain on any relationship.
The Next Steps
Once you’ve spoken to your partner about it, you may want to pursue other forms of having a child. Adoption is a common and rewarding option. However if the woman still wants to experience pregnancy, you can seek out a sperm donor. Artificial insemination is usually done in a doctor’s office, and only the mother will be biologically related to the child. Talk to your partner and discuss what options make the most sense to you.
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