One of the main reasons you may be reading this article is because you have discovered how expensive Menopur can be. Discovering an affordable menopur can take a lot of trial and error. There’s a reason for that. Menopur has no generic equivalent right now. This fertility med is a combination drug that has both follicle- stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone in it. These medications are bioidentical. It means they are created identically to the normally occurring hormones in humans. So, what can you do to find affordable menopur? We think we can help.
What is Menopur?
When looking for where to buy menopur cheap, it pays to understand why you need this medication. You need the right combination of hormones each month in order for your body to produce a viable egg for fertilization. Part of that combo includes the ingredients present in menopur. This hormone cocktail includes both the FSH and the LSH together. Right now, there is no menopur discount at regular brick-and-mortar pharmacies because Menopur is one of the critical components in this ‘dance’ of the hormones. But there is hope.
Want to Know Where to Buy Menopur Cheap?
You aren’t the only one. Consider that the average price (according to GoodRX) for one round of Menopur can run as much as $5,300. That’s because most insurance won’t cover it. The lowest amount, even with the GoodRX discount, is $4,984.84. It’s insane. This is why more couples don’t opt for IVF treatment: affordable menopur is hard to find. And even if you DO find it…how do you know that the quality is good? We’ve learned that sourcing our IVF drugs internationally takes time, building trust, and making sure that all compliance has been met. That is time that you, and your family, may not have. Many are opting to use menopur online pharmacy operations. But how can you tell if you’re getting a good deal?
Top Ways to Buy Menopur Cheap
Many couples shop around to see if there might be coupons offered by the manufacturer. In most instances, there are none. Two popular pharmacy programs include GoodRX and SingleCare, but more often than not, affordable menopur doesn’t fall under their offerings. You could also look for a way to purchase the medication internationally, but that option alone can run you a lot of money. And there are legal considerations (as well as safety) when you import medications. Sometimes couples bulk buy and coordinate with other patients, and this can often reduce costs. But finding enough couples to co-opt with can be time consuming as well. It often doesn’t work out.
Best Menopur Online Pharmacy:
Offering cheap IVF meds without a drop in quality is what we’re best at…that and offering a deep discount on most fertility medications. How? We’ve been around for decades and have spent that time building relationships with the manufacturers. In fact, we are one of the primary suppliers of affordable Menopur to clinics, fertility clinics, and hospitals globally. We want to partner with you, your significant other, and the medical facility in realizing your dream of starting a family.