Prescription medications can be quite expensive, especially prescription fertility medications. These drugs can cost anywhere from $3000 to as much as $10,000 just for one cycle! This is a lot of money for most people, even unattainable for many. Because of this high cost, many people will act out of desperation and not make the best decisions.
When a couple is going through fertility procedures to help them conceive a child they are usually paying for the fertility medications out of pocket. For this reason many will buy their prescriptions online in order to get them at a discount and save money. This is fine, as long as you stick with a reputable company like who has been in business for over twenty years providing hopeful parents with high quality medications at discount prices.
Testcard from Notre Dame: Each year, fake or substandard medications kill more than 300,000 people worldwide:
If it sounds too good to be true
NEVER buy “left over” medications from online yard sale or type websites or Craigslist because you never know what you are getting. Besides committing a felony, you do not know what’s actually in the medicine.
It could be expired medications, a package refilled with a placebo, an empty package, or they just take your money and you get nothing. Even worse, you could get a product that has been used and has become contaminated with something like hepatitis or HIV.
With IVF meds and fertility medications costing so much, desperate people will use the opportunity to try to fleece prospective parents to make a buck in an already emotional journey.
Fertility Drugs Being Sold On Black Market
Only using FDA standards, the best suppliers, and fast shipping with 24 hour customer service has made the leader in online pharmacies specializing in fertility medications.
To show our appreciation we are having a Customer Appreciation month in November with a month of discounts and freebies, so look for our “Black Friday All Month Long” campaign coming soon!!