Introduction:Ovulation Induction (OI) is a treatment for women who do not ovulate frequently on their own to help them do so on a regular basis. Other women who also have problems with fertility who do ovulate regularly can take some medications that help with ovulation induction (OI). Women who are taking ovulation induction (OI) treatment have a better chance of conceiving than women who do not get such treatment but are having problems with fertility.
How Does Ovulation Induction (OI) Work?
Ovulation Induction (OI) is a procedure usually done by providing women with certain invitro fertility (IVF) drugs that help them ovulate on a regular basis. The drugs also aim at helping the woman produce mature eggs that have a better chance of being fertile. Such medications that are provided for ovulation induction (OI) include ivf meds like Clomid which are generally given orally for at least 5 days before the start of a woman’s normal ovulation cycle. Most doses are 50/100mg and the FDA has approved doses up to 150 mg per day to help women ovulate regularly and produce mature eggs.
Other ivf medications that may be prescribed include Gonadotropins including Repronex, Bravelle, Gonal F, or Follistim. Daily injections are taken of these drugs for 5 to 12 days before the woman’s ovulation is supposed to begin. These injections allow the woman to produce mature eggs with adequate follicles to mature inside the woman.
Ovulation Induction (OI) Increase Risk of Multiple Births:
When a woman is taking Clomid or Gonadotropins as ivf meds to help increase ovulation induction (OI) there is a chance of having multiple births than there would be through naturally conceiving. When taking Clomid, if a woman is successful at conceiving there is a 6-10% chance of having twins, however the chance of having triplets or greater is less than 1%. IVF medications that are Gonadotropins produce a 15% chance of twins, 5% chance of triplets, and about a 1% of greater than triplets being conceived. This is a risk women take when receiving ovulation induction (OI) as multiple pregnancies can have more complications than a single birth pregnancy may have. The chances are much higher than normal on these medications that this can occur.
Ovulation Induction (OI) can help women achieve their dreams of having children when they are not ovulating properly without IVF meds, but it can also be useful for women who do ovulate regularly but do not produce mature eggs. Your certified IVF clinic or doctor should be able to tell you if you may benefit from ovulation induction (OI) treatments.
You can find all the ivf medications you will need to help you achieve ovulation induction (OI) at Feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, concerns, or issues you may have about ordering your medication and we will be glad to assist you further.