One of the first questions you’ll likely have after being prescribed a fertility medication is what to expect. In particular, you’d want to know what to expect when injecting Gonal-F for the first time. Aside from the worry of sticking yourself with a needle, unless you are already in the health care profession, anxiety about how sick you may become, whether it will impact your time at work, and how you are going to cope, are normal worries when starting trigger shots for IVF initially.
Luckily, compared to other types of IVF drugs, Gonal-F is one of the few whose side effects are generally manageable and go away in a short time. Trigger shot purchases always make those who have not taken them before anxious because needles do cause slight discomfort (medical word for…it is going to hurt a little). Beyond injection site irritation and initial discomfort, most of the symptoms from this type of fertility drug listed below tend to go away for most women within a week or less. However, you must determine for your own body what is right, and if you experience the following symptoms and they last longer than a week or so, get worse or you experience an allergic reaction, see your doctor immediately.
What Are the Side Effects You Could Experience with Gonal-F Shots?
- Headache: Similar to a sinus headache or a pressure headache, this Gonal F side effect is treatable with OTC meds, or a warm compress. Anything longer lasting or more severe, and you need to call your doctor.
- Breast Tenderness: Sensitive to the touch, slightly swollen is normal and often goes away with time. Discharge, distention and localized pain is not normal.
- Bloating: Feeling full even if you haven’t eaten is normal. This is due in large part to some water retention and a shift in hormones caused by the IVF drugs. However, pain with bloating is not normal.
- Injection Site Pain: Slightly swollen, a little red, maybe bruised if your technique isn’t good. What isn’t normal is discharge, infection (looks like a pimple) or profuse bleeding.
- Upset Stomach: slight nausea and slight cramping with Gonal F is okay, severe cramping or debilitating pain is not.
- Pain in Pelvis: Achiness is okay with Gonal-F, but if you are unable to sit or lie down, call your doctor.
- Vomiting: With most fertility drugs, brief waves of nausea not unlike morning sickness is normal and goes away. Continued, violent vomiting is not okay.
- Numbness: A slight loss of sensation in the tips of your fingers is normal…like swelling right before your period. Tingling and substantial loss of feeling in hands, feet or other extremities while taking any IVF meds should result in a call to your doctor.
- Skin Rash : Other than around the injection site, you should not have any skin rashes or reactions to this IVF drug. If you do, call your doctor or nurse for instructions.
- Emotional upset: Gonal-F is a hormone designed to trigger ovulation, which means it does affect your emotions to some extent. Being aware of this possibility helps you to deal with it when something upsets you. However, if you find yourself going into rages, or having excessive emotional states, call your doctor.
What are precautions to take with Gonal F injections?
As with any IVF meds, including IVF medications online you may purchase if you have any bleeding, or an excessive, almost overnight swelling of your face, feet, lips or hands call for help right away. This could be a sign of a serious allergic reaction. These types of reactions to infertility drugs is rare, but it still happens from time to time. This reaction may be exacerbated by any additional non IVF meds you may be taking in conjunction Make sure to discuss with your doctor ALL of the medications, over the counter, all natural or prescription, you are taking. has been partnering with couples for more than three decades, and is one of the primary suppliers of infertility drugs to clinics, hospitals, and fertility clinics worldwide. You can buy infertility drugs online directly from us as well. Call today to find out more!
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