Are you doing everything that you possibly can to get pregnant, but aren’t getting the results you wanted?
Don’t get frustrated. Be patient with yourself and your body.
You’ve been doing what you have been told to eat healthily, take this product take that product and exercise like this, etc. But it’s not working.
You may be wondering what you have done wrong and why you aren’t pregnant yet. However, have you thought about if you have enough of the proper nutrients to successfully conceive a baby?
Even though, you may already be taking prenatal vitamins that you were prescribed by your doctor. However, you can have lower levels of certain vitamins that your body needs to increase your fertility success.
We are going to discuss some vitamins that you should discuss with your doctor to see if you have low levels and if they recommend for you to boost that vitamin intake.
1. Folic Acid
The job of Folic Acid is responsible for creating and maintaining DNA cells and RNA cells. Therefore, it is constantly promoting the division and growth of cells. And you must be thinking what does this have to do with fertility?
The answer is that the commencement of human life is with the growing and multiplying of cells. Over time this growing and multiplying of cells begin to form human features and functions. And if your body doesn’t have enough Folic Acid then this cell life cycle is weak and can reduce the chances of the survival of the embryo.
Many women who are struggling to get pregnant are failing to produce new eggs regularly. Folic Acid was found to lower ovulation and egg producing problems by 40%.
2. Vitamin D
You can increase your Vitamin D intake by spending some time in the sun. By being in the sun your body converts the sunlight to Vitamin D. Don’t forget your sunscreen.
Increasing your Vitamin D intake can boost your progesterone and estrogen levels. This results in more regular menstrual cycles which increase your chances to get pregnant.
3. Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is responsible for regulating hormones which is very beneficial to you healthwise. This helps improve your mood, lower your blood pressure, relieving PMS symptoms. How Vitamin B6 can help you with your fertility is that it can boost your progesterone and estrogen levels like Vitamin D. And have similar results as Vitamin D.
The added benefits of Vitamin B6 is that it can help you produce high-quality eggs that are ready for fertilization and lengthen your luteal phase. Lengthening your luteal phase is important for fertility because this is the part of your cycle where the egg is fertilized and implanted.
4. Vitamin E
Just like Vitamin B6 it can balance out hormones and lengthen the luteal phase. Not only that it is is essential to cell growth because it removes the toxins from the body. This important because our bodies are full of toxins and can cause infertility.
Vitamin E can also thicken the uterus lining and blood flow.
5. Vitamin C
Just like the other vitamins mentioned, Vitamin C can also thicken the uterus lining, lengthen the span of your luteal phase, and increase progesterone levels.
6. Omega 3
Omega 3 fatty acids not only provide great health benefits such as heart health and lower inflammation in the body, but it can increase your egg reserve if it is low. Also, it can aid in the development of fetus’ nervous system development.
7. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a very important vitamin. It is a common vitamin that people are deficient in. With fertility issues that means that you have a much harder time releasing eggs regularly, increases the chances for repeated miscarriages, and longer periods of infertility.
Wow. That was a lot of information.
Please remember to consult with your doctor before increasing any of these vitamins because you don’t want to overdo it. Discuss your concerns with your doctor and see what they recommend for you to do if a prenatal vitamin is not enough for you.