Usually when a person is experiencing issues with their fertility usually it can be diagnosed and treated by standard testing. Occasionally however, someone may be experiencing unexplained infertility and the reasons for it are not easily explained. About 25% of couples who are experiencing unexplained infertility will have no explanation for why this is happening.
Diagnosing no problem
To be diagnosed with no fertility issues is a process of elimination. The doctor may not determine what is wrong with you, but they can determine what is not wrong with you. The doctor may test you to determine if you have normal and regular ovulation.
The doctor may do blood work and perform an antral follicle count to determine that you have a good ovarian reserve. The doctor can test that your fallopian tubes are unobstructed and properly functioning. They can perform a hysteroscopy to check your uterine health.
Another test that can be performed is a laparoscopy to rule out endometriosis, but this is only done if you have painful periods. The doctor can also test the male partner for sperm count and viability. If all these tests determine that you and your partner are both in good reproductive health then they may say that you have unexplained infertility.
Do nothing for unexplained infertility?
If you have unexplained infertility what should you do? Maybe you shouldn’t do anything. A study of approximately one thousand three hundred women between the ages of 28 and 36 showed that almost half eventually conceived and had a successful full term pregnancy with no fertility treatments.
But in reality, your OB/GYN will probably refer you to a fertility specialist and if you have trouble conceiving, IVf and the accompanying infertility drugs may be ideal to help you get pregnant. It will greatly increase your odds with conception.
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