When patients decide to get an assisted fertility treatment, they can use online fertility medications to boost the success of egg retrieval from the uterus. To prepare for egg collection, buying IVF meds online can be highly instrumental in stimulating and producing multiple eggs to ovulate per cycle.
Who determines if the eggs are ready to collect?
Collecting eggs is an often quick and painless procedure. The description can be off-putting to some in comparison to the actual procedure. The patient will see a specialist, often an embryologist, to monitor the eggs progression per ultrasound. It is a method that requires a lot of finesse and in part is a waiting game for the eggs to be of a size to warrant collection.
When are the eggs collected?
The clinic determines the exact size for retrieval. When retrieval is determined to be close, the patient will be injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (HGC). This supplementary injection will help stimulate the patient’s body into the final maturation process of the egg needed for retrieval. The IVF fertility injections can be prescribed and bought online to be injected in the privacy of the patient’s home.
Where can I buy fertility drugs online?
When looking for a fertility medications pharmacy online, you will want a full service pharmacy with 24 hour customer service and affordable fertility medication when comparing providers.
How are the eggs retrieved in IVF?
When the time is at hand for collecting the mature eggs from the patient, they will be under a slight sedation to ease anxiety and make the procedure about the equivalent of a pap smear in length. The ultrasound is a probe with an attached needle going in search of mature follicles in the ovaries. This is where supplemental fertility drugs can make a difference, as there should be quite a higher percentage of mature eggs to retrieve if IVF medicines were used to prepare for the retrieval.
When the mature follicles are identified and located, the needle gently punctures it and a suction tube is gently used to collect the eggs contents. This is what is combined with donated sperm to promote fertilization. The more mature follicles found, the greater the success of fertilization and ultimately a gestational pregnancy.