You are ready to do almost anything to start your family, even give yourself fertility drug injections. But the reality is, giving yourself a shot, especially if you’ve never done it before, is nerve wracking. What if you stick something vital? What if you have a reaction to the IVF drugs and have to stop taking them? The good news is most of those fears are in your mind and aren’t based in reality very much. However, giving yourself a shot, especially a trigger shot, is a skill and just like any other skill, it just takes practice.
Create an IVF Meds Kit for Yourself
It is best if you put your Gonal F, or other type of trigger shot purchase, into a small container along with a few items. This becomes your shot kit and comes in handy when you are in a hurry. Inside of the kit place the following:
- Pad and pen (to record your dosages, dates and times).
- Alcohol wipes to prep the injection site.
- Tissues.
- Band-aids.
- Gonal F pen and meds.
How to keep track of your Gonal-F injections
First, create your log using the pad and pen in your kit. There are also apps you can purchase that can track this for you, too. If you prefer to do it “Old School” then each time you give yourself a fertility drug shot, you’ll record how much of the Gonal F you have left. This is also referred to as “Units”.
Giving Yourself a Fertility Drug Shot: Five Easy Steps and a Deep Breath
Step One: Wash your hands.
Step Two: Get an ice cube from the freezer and put it into a bowl and set it near you.
Step Three: Get your Gonal F pen and the dosage ready. Follow instructions on the packaging.
Step Four: Swab the site with the alcohol wipe. Take the ice cube and hold it on the injection site (change site each day: upper leg, upper arm, skin on the stomach…). Aim for a fatty tissue spot.
Step Five: Hold the ice cube on until the area is extremely cold, the discard the ice cube. Pinch the injection site into a roll, hold your breath, then quickly insert the needle at a 90 degree angle, exhaling as you do. Keep pinching the area until you have all of the Gonal F injected. Release the skin, withdraw the needle. Swab the area again with a wipe or tissue if needed. The key is to commit to the action. Going slow in this instance translates into more pain.
Other Fertility Drug Injection Hacks
Keeping your trigger shot kit in the refrigerator also helps dull the pain as the cold really helps. Make sure, if you are given a preference, to ask for microfine needles. The smaller the needle the less you will feel it. Reward yourself afterwards and make it a Gonal F injection ritual. Some women like to have a cup of herbal tea and a square of decadent chocolate, while others listen to a song that reminds them of the life they hope to start. Some women swear by Ambesol to numb up the injection site. Just make sure you wipe it with the alcohol swab before the injection. After the first few trigger shot injections you will be a pro with fertility drug shots and you’ll develop your own technique for giving them to yourself. has been partnering with couples for more than three decades, and is one of the primary suppliers of infertility drugs to clinics, hospitals, and fertility clinics worldwide. You can buy infertility drugs online directly from us as well. Call today to find out more!
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