A Texas couple has reportedly spent over $100,000 on in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures to ensure that their third child will be a girl. In a practice they refer to as “family balancing,” Rose and Vincent Costa underwent seven rounds of IVF, using IVF drugs, to get pregnant with a daughter. The couple, who already have two sons, are now expecting a baby girl later this year.
Rose Costa had always dreamed of having a daughter. After having two sons without any medical intervention, she wanted to make sure that her next child would be a girl. The couple turned to IVF, needing to undergo seven rounds over the course of three years, in order to achieve their dream. Doctors determined the gender of the couple’s’ embryos through preimplantation genetic diagnosis and only implanted those that were female. While she admits that their method to reach their dream may seem controversial to some, she is grateful for the procedures that will allow her to hold her baby girl soon.
As seen in the Costas’ story, costs associated with IVF can quickly climb, especially when multiple rounds are needed. One way to help lower the cost of IVF is to buy discount fertility medications online at an affordable and reliable online fertility pharmacy like IVFPrescriptions.com. IVFPrescriptions.com is the best online IVF medications pharmacy to find deep discounts on IVF drugs like Bravelle 75 IU and Follistim 900 IU. Check out the medications page for a list of discount IVF drugs.