For many women their OB/GYN is their go to doctor for everything, not just for their feminine health care. Their OB/GYN is who they go to for birth control, and for testing for their feminine health (like PAP smears). Because they see their OB/GYN regularly, that doctor is often on the forefront for common health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Feminine health and fertility
Sexually active women should be tested regularly for sexually transmitted infections and diseases, especially if they have unprotected sex. This is because many STI’s/STD’s can have a negative impact on reproductive organs and fertility.
The threat to fertility caused by STD’s/STI’s is scarring of the Fallopian tubes of blocking of the Fallopian tubes, which if severe enough can render you completely infertile. If caught early your OB/GYN can prescribe antibiotics to prevent this damage from occurring.
How can they help
Your OB/GYN will ask you questions about your sexual activity so they can recommend if and when you need to be tested. Conditions like gonorrhea and Chlamydia usually show no symptoms in females and so can go undiagnosed for a long time. If it does go undiagnosed, this is when you are in danger of experiencing negative effects on your reproductive system.
Don’t ignore symptoms
Other conditions like endometriosis are also a threat to your fertility. Only by regular visits to your OB/GYN can these be caught early and prevent unwanted damage. If you have heavy and/or painful menstrual cycles and/or sex is painful you should see your doctor as these are signs of the condition.
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