Who may experience issues with infertility?
Typically women over the age of 30 years are at risk of infertility. This risk rises as you age. Women over 35 years of age have less chance of becoming pregnant than women aged 30-35 years, while women aged 35-40 years of age have less chance of becoming pregnant than the age group before them.
What causes infertility in women over 30?
Even with no other issues related to fertility, your chances of becoming pregnant are less once you are over the age of 30 because of lowered hormone production. If you are trying to become pregnant, begin by preparing your body by being healthy. Proper diet and exercise are as important as being checked for any unknown health issues that may impair your ability to conceive or carry to term. IVF meds may be prescribed to boost hormone levels.
What does the reproductive endocrinologist do?
The first thing the reproductive endocrinologist will do is take a complete history of your health as well as information on past pregnancies, menstrual cycles, reproductive or medical disorders. They will also test semen samples, perform a hyseterosalpingogram (HSG), and an ovarian reserve test.
How do they test semen samples?
These tests are typically performed on site within an hour of collection. The male is to abstain from ejaculation for several days (2-5) prior to the sample collection. What they test for is volume of ejaculate, number of sperm in the sample, and the number of sperm that are actively moving. They also check for white blood cells as an indicator of any infection in the male reproductive system.
Hyseterosalpingogram (HSG)
A hyseterosalpingogram (HSG) is a test to determine the condition of the fallopian tubes, whether they are open or obstructed. X-ray contrast is injected into the cervix and then an examination is performed under x-ray fluoroscope.
Ovarian reserve test
This test determines the number of egg follicles and the number of eggs in each follicle. They check estradiol and FSH levels on the second or third day of menstruation to determine this information.
What causes failure to ovulate (anovulation)?
Abnormal thyroid function, elevations of prolactin (a hormone), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and an elevation of testosterone (a hormone) can all cause anovulation.
Women aged 45 and over have a very slim chance of becoming pregnant even when healthy, due merely to lowered egg production and viability. If you are aged 35 or older and have tried unsuccessfully for 6 months or more to become pregnant, it is time to consult with a reproductive endocrinologist.
Does insurance cover the costs of infertility treatments and procedures?
In many countries, there are government sanctions to cover medication and all costs for a certain number of months for motherhood and even the costs of procedures and treatments leading up to the conception. But in the USA and many other countries, the full placement of the financial responsibility may be placed upon the couple wanting a child.
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