The Basic Facts About the IVF Med Novarel (Pregnyl)
The upfront, bottom line definition of this often prescribed IVF med is that it is an injectable form of hCG (human growth hormone). Most doctors combine this with a hormone that has LH (follicle stimulating hormone) in order to assist the ovary in holding onto an egg a little longer so that it is extremely mature before release or IVF procedures.
The Not So Basic Facts About the IVF Med Novarel (Pregnyl)
This IVF drug is often prescribed when a woman’s ovaries, for whatever reason, just aren’t producing enough viable or mature eggs. The Pregnyl portion of the drug stimulates the eggs to mature, and when administered to men can actually boost their sperm count. However, women who have POV (ovaries that don’t even produce eggs) are most often not given this IVF med.
Where Does Your IVF Med Come From?
Novarel (pregnyl) is manufactured out of Germany by a company called Ferring. This is where the namebrand Novarel is produced, though there are numerous generics floating about. However, go to any forum, and speak with your doctor, and most will indicate that for the best possible results to go with the namebrand infertility medication.
Novarel (pregnyl) Experiences
Patient 1: A woman asks others on the forum how long it took for Novarel to leave their system so she could test to see if she was pregnant. Another member quickly responds telling her that it takes nearly 24 hours to get out of the system, and she encourages the other member to have hope because the IVF drug worked wonders for her.
Patient 2: A woman had just started using the Novarel 10000 iu on Saturday, ovulated that evening, and the next day was feeling some abdominal tenderness. She wanted to know if this was normal. Members respond that anytime there is a trigger used to deliver the meds it seems to cause aches and pains. This forum member goes on to state that a heating pad helps to alleviate the discomfort, and that the drug works very, very well.
Patient 3: This patient is ecstatic talking about Novarel to her fellow members as she used Novarel and is now pregnant with twins. She used Clomid, then the Novarel.
Learn more about buying Novarel and other discounted IVF meds at