The decision to do IVF treatment isn’t the kicker for most…it’s the cost. Luckily, infertility treatment has come a very long way, as has the cost of IVF drugs used. If you need to find low cost IVF options, then you do have a few options available. The choices include working with your individual fertility clinic, purchasing discounted IVF drugs from online pharmacies, and working with companies offering financing opportunities. If you want to start your family, but were afraid of the financial strain it would put on your family, the options below offer you the chance to have a baby without going into significant debt.
Low Cost IVF with Your Clinic
Yes, your infertility clinic has to make money, but they are also compassionate people or they wouldn’t be in the business they are in. To that end, most offer some type of financing for families and individuals who need to find low cost IVF options. Some clinics partner with online pharmacies whom they know to be reputable, while others partner with the IVF drug companies themselves. Sometimes fertility clinics partner with more than one to offer a significant savings on IVF treatment costs. Often this comes in the form of mail in refunds or rebates for IVF drugs. This is important because most insurance companies, as you have likely already discovered, don’t cover any aspect, or limited aspects, of fertility treatment.
Get Cheap IVF Drugs from the Manufacturers
Many fertility drug companies, such as the manufacturers of Menopur or Endometrin, offer low cost, or cost effective fertility medication. Both EMD Serono and Ferring Pharmaceuticals offer cheap IVF drugs, as long as you meet the following criteria:
- Annual income.
- Household size.
- Where you live (state).
- What the federal poverty guideline threshold is for your area.
In most instances, to obtain free IVF drugs, or rebates for IVF meds, you’ll need to provide proof of income in the form of pay stubs and at least one to two years’ tax returns. Some of the affordable IVF drugs offered under this program include Gonal-F, Cetrocide, Ovidrel, Endometrin, Bravelle, Menopur, Repronex and Novarel. Additional programs are offered regardless of income. The most popular low cost IVF drugs programs are:
- Compassionate Care: Serono
- Compassionate Care Corp: Serono (armed forces members only)
- Heart for Heroes Program: Ferring (armed forces only)
- IVF Greenlight Program: Ferring
Low Cost IVF Financing Options
The following programs offer low cost IVF drugs, refunds, rebates or in some instances, deep discounts on IVF meds.
Endometrin IVF Drug Instant Savings Program
This program saves you up to $50 on each prescription of Endometrin you purchase. In order to qualify you must have a prescription and that prescription must be for 21 or more Endometrin inserts. Whether you are insured, or have no insurance at all, you can apply for the low cost IVF program. Your Reproductive Endocrinologist should have the forms to fill out for this program. Simply take the form to your pharmacists to receive your benefits.
Heart Beat Program for Low Cost IVF Drugs
If you have had cancer and will be undergoing treatment, then this program gives you unprecedented access to cheap IVF drugs so you can preserve your fertility. If you have not yet undergone chemo, or have done chemo, but it’s been longer than 6 months, then you can apply for assistance. The other eligibility criteria includes a recommendation from your personal physician.
Heart +Savings Program
If you don’t have insurance you may think IVF drugs are out of reach. However, cheap IVF drugs are offered through various pharmacies who work in conjunction with Ferring. These pharmacies can offer as much as a $500 savings on each prescription. Even if you are insured, there are certain drugs which you can obtain at a low cost as well. Your doctor has the forms. Simply ask whether you qualify for IVF drug
Affordable IVF Treatments: Mini-IVF vs Natural IVF
Very often you can save money on IVF treatments by opting for a different approach to your IVF treatment. The following types of IVF treatments can help you save money on IVF drugs as well as IVF costs.
Natural IVF: Low Cost IVF Procedure
This is a less expensive option if you need to undergo IVF treatment. The treatment is identical to regular IVF protocols with the exception of fertility drug use. You’ll still receive the trigger injections, egg retrievals and embryonic development in the lab before implantation. The only difference, and the difference that creates the lowered IVF costs is that the fertility drugs used to stimulate the ovaries is removed. There can be a significant savings if you opt for this treatment.
Mini IVF: Low Cost IVF Procedure
As it sounds, the mini-IVF procedure is for a shorter duration, uses a lower dose of IVF drugs and is often done without any ovarian stimulation. This produces low cost IVF drugs costs and cuts down on the time involved. If you are someone who doesn’t tolerate fertility drugs well, but are otherwise fairly healthy, this may be your best option for keeping IVF costs low.
Online IVF Drug Discounts
You can seriously save a lot of money by purchasing your IVF drugs online, as long as you do a bit of homework first. First, make sure the pharmacy you are considering has a health certificate or affiliation with a known health organization. Make sure they work with fertility clinics and require a prescription from your doctor. There are several who have been in business for a long time and as a result have built relationships with most of the major manufacturers for deep discounts on their IVF medications. In many instances you can get a 50-75% discount on drugs such as Menopur, Gonal F or Follistim. has been partnering with couples for more than three decades, and is one of the primary suppliers of infertility drugs to clinics, hospitals, and fertility clinics worldwide. You can buy infertility drugs online directly from us as well. Call today to find out more!