At a basic level, many understand that surrogacy involves finding an woman who is willing to become pregnant to help a person or couple create a child. But what are the different types of surrogacy and the process each entails? Here is an overview of everything you should know.
Traditional Surrogacy
A traditional surrogacy involves recruiting a woman to carry the baby through pregnancy. The woman is inseminated with the sperm of the intended father. This is usually done artificially in a doctor’s office. When the surrogate’s egg has been fertilized by the sperm, it will become an embryo that she will carry through pregnancy. Multiple rounds of insemination may be required. The woman will be the biological mother of the child as well as the child’s birth mother.
Gestational Surrogacy
Gestational surrogacy involves an IVF procedure. The woman seeking a child will take follicle stimulating drugs, such as Menopur 75 IU or Repronex 75 IU, to produce several healthy eggs. A doctor will then retrieve the eggs, artificially fertilize them with the man’s sperm in a laboratory, and then transfer the fertilized eggs to the surrogate’s uterus to create a pregnancy. The surrogate will be the resulting child’s birth mother, but not the biological mother.
You can learn more about the IVF treatment process, Repronex cost and Menopur cost at, the best IVF pharmacy for finding discount IVF drugs. Understanding IVF prescriptions is an important step in exploring the gestational surrogacy option.